沖縄サーフィンショップ「YES SURF」

SUP (Stand up paddle)

Would you like to relish in Okinawa’s clear and clean ocean?

Okinawa SUP(Stand up paddle)Yellow nose
OkinawaSUP(Stand up paddle)Group photo
SUP(Stand up paddle)State of the school①
SUP(Stand up paddle)State of the school②
SUP(Stand up paddle)State of the school③

What is SUP?

Called the "Stand Up Paddle Surfing," this activity is a marine sport which originated in Hawaii. In Japan, it is called by its acronym, SUP.

A SUP paddler stands on a large, buoyant board, and moves across the water surface while paddling.

What is SUP?

SUP has gained popularity in Japan recently, and can be enjoyed in oceans, lakes, ponds, rivers, pools, and any other bodies of water. SUP can also be enjoyed in many forms which you can try, including but not limited to, cruising, racing, fishing, riding waves, yoga, SUP polo, and river rafting.

Is SUP cruising in Okinawa fun?

Okinawa SUP cruising

Seeing the coral reefs and tropical fish from directly above as you take a stroll on the surface of Okinawa’s beautiful, clear ocean has a different form of striking beauty compared to diving, snorkeling, or surfing.

When the wind stops and the water is clear, giving the ocean surface an oily texture, you have the sensation that you are flying in the air.

Moreover, cruising during sunrise and sunset is exceptional. The silhouette of a figure cruising on SUP against the rosy ocean and sky is striking. The cool darkness of the night sets up a calming atmosphere.

The healing power of Mother Nature. You will be touched and enveloped in emotions of happiness, excitement, along with a reverence and appreciation for nature like never before.

Can I take classes or guides with my kids?

The great thing about stand up paddle (SUP) is that anybody can enjoy this activity, no matter what age or gender, from healthy adults to children to the elderly.

You will be supported by instructors with lots of maritime experience who will ensure your safety!
The lectures at the school are detailed, containing thorough instructions on how to use the paddle, safety precautions, and danger prevention.

We are also equipped with floating equipment, such as life vests.

Are there lessons for surfing with SUP?

Surfing lessons with SUP are limited to those who can paddle steadily, can control the direction, and can stay balanced and standing on the ocean surface with rolling waves. Please ask the staff directly about the lessons.

Okinawa SUP School

Where can you do SUP?

We will take you to sea areas that are not as likely to be affected by the wind and strong currents.
Moreover, depending on the climate, there may be times when you cannot come back to the shore from the water due to strong currents caused by sudden winds on the sea surface.

You should especially be careful when there are strong winds blowing from the shore to the ocean.
Please, never do SUP alone at a sea area that you have never been to, unless you have a guide.

At our shop, we will update you with information on the best sea locations of that day, so please feel free to contact us. Moreover, you may not be able to do SUP without permission in sea areas which are supervised, such as beaches or fishing ports. Please contact the beach supervisor or fishermen’s union before enjoying SUP.

Okinawa SUP School

What equipment should I purchase to get started?

You should come prepared with 3 main items: the board, leash, and paddle.
SUP has many diverse forms and variations which you can enjoy.

If you would like to race or surf, you will need to purchase a board that is specific to racing or surfing.

Where can Okinawa SUP be?

There are various types of boards, such as inflatable boards that you can blow into, boards similar to surfer boards with foam added to the core material and hardened with glass fiber cloth, and boards that are extremely light because they are made with carbon material.
As for the size, boards should be long for racing and cruising, and boards for surfing should get shorter as you level up.

It is also important to store the boards properly. If you live in an apartment building where you need to place the board in an elevator, then you will not be able to purchase a long board that does not fit. Even if you are using stairs you must be mindful of the board’s size. However, if you use a buoyant, small, short board, you will not be able to stand and paddle at the same time, and forcing yourself to paddle may put too much strain on your body.
You will also need to choose a paddle or a leash to fit your purposes.

You should choose your board carefully, considering in what scenes you would like to enjoy SUP, how often you will visit the beach and how SUP fits with your lifestyle.
At YES SURF, experienced and knowledgeable staff will help you choose your board. Please feel free to ask any questions you may have.

《 About the SUP School and the Guides 》

About the SUP School and the Guides

General (normal) 90 minutes: JPY 7,000
Members (normal) 90 minutes: JPY 6,000

*Member: Those who purchased a SUP board at our shop
What is included: Guide fee, damage insurance fee, board fee, paddle, wetsuit, reef bootie rental fee (*We only accept payments of cash)

About the School

Basic knowledge and practical skills are a part of the curriculum, including how to use your paddle, how to effectively paddle, names for the boards, how to use handle the equipment, how to change directions, how to safely fall in the water, danger avoidance, and information about maritime safety.

You will try actually paddling on the ocean surface, and as you improve, we may ask you to paddle a little further.
Meanwhile, you will land on a deserted island to enjoy activities such as snorkeling before returning back to shore.

Although SUP seems to be an elegant activity of calmly cruising on the ocean’s surface, paddling for an hour and a half is just as much exercise as a light jog or a walk, and you will end up sweating a lot.

By using the paddle, you can effectively train all external and internal muscles in your body by training not only large upper body muscles such as shoulders and the back, but also your lower body and core by balancing on an unsteady board that is floating on the ocean surface.

SUP First Step Class School (Cruising)

General (normal) 90 minutes: JPY 7,000
Members (normal) 90 minutes: JPY 6,000

*Member: Those who purchased a SUP board at our shop
What is included: Guide fee, damage insurance fee, board fee, paddle, wetsuit, reef bootie rental fee (*We only accept payments of cash)

About the Guide

An instructor will study that day’s weather, wind, current, and how the waves are rolling in, before leading you to the best sea area or course.
Meanwhile, you will land on a deserted island and enjoy activities such as snorkeling before returning back to shore.

If you are lucky, you may encounter a school of fish, turtles, a school of squid, sea snakes, mozuku seaweed, or sea lettuce.

Please enjoy the clear oceans of Okinawa to your heart’s content. Okinawa is filled with beautiful nature– a treasure chest of wonderful life forms.

At YES SURF, staff members who are certified paddle fitness instructors will prepare for you a fun, safe stand up paddle trial cruising course. We are looking forward to your participation!

SUP Cruising Guide

SUP Cruising Guide

《 School Itinerary 》

We’ll explain clearly what will happen, starting from when you register for the school, until the end of the lesson.

STEP 1:Registration

STEP 1:Registration

Please register at our store (parking space is available), and fill out the registration sheet.
We also accept registration through phone or registration forms.

We are looking forward to your participation.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or doubts about the school.

We will ask you to bring your own change of clothes, towels, sunscreen, and flip flops on the day of the registration.

STEP 2:The Day of the Lesson

STEP 2:The Day of the Lesson

We will be meeting at the shop (parking space available) for the lesson.

Please confirm the location on the map to ensure you will not get lost and arrive on time. (*We have set the schedule to fit the tide times when SUP is possible. Please understand.)

Confirm the location on the map

After the registration, we ask you to pay the lesson fees. (We only accept cash.) Please check your size for the board, wetsuit, reef booties, and other equipment.

STEP 3:Heading to the ocean

Once you are ready, we will drive to the beach. The shortest location is 5 minutes away from YES SURF by car, and the furtherst location is about 30 to 40 minutes away.

*Instructors will lead you when going from the shop to the beach, so please prepare your own means of transportation. If you will be arriving to the shop by bus, it is possible for you to accompany the instructor on their car from the shop to the beach, so please feel free to contact us beforehand.

*Once you arrive at the beach, inspect the speed and direction of the wind, the current, and other aspects of the ocean’s condition with the instructor. You can decide upon that day’s course together.

STEP 4:Plan and picture the movements you will make on the beach

STEP 4:Plan and picture the movements you will make on the beach image 1

STEP 4:Plan and picture the movements you will make on the beach image 2

Instructors will inform you of the basic movements, such as how to hold the paddle and how to paddle, as well as safety precautions.

STEP 4:Plan and picture the movements you will make on the beach image 3

STEP 5:Now, you will finally go into the water! Enjoy yourself to your heart’s content.

STEP 5:Now, you will finally go into the water! Enjoy yourself to your heart’s content.

Even if you are a beginner, you don’t have to worry! You will always be accompanied by an instructor.
Any questions or doubts can be solved on the spot.

STEP 6:Congratulations! You can now stand and paddle!

STEP 6:Congratulations! You can now stand and paddle!

You should warm up gradually, slowly getting used to the activity. Your body will begin to get used to balancing on the board throughout the duration of the lesson.

STEP 7:A commemorative photograph

SUP A commemorative photograph①

SUP A commemorative photograph②

Thank you for your participation. Photographs taken during the lesson will be emailed to you.

STEP 8:After the end of the lesson and the guide

After the lesson, we can end the day on the beach. Please enjoy the beautiful Okinawa beach with activities like beach combing.

*Beach combing is an activity where you pick up and collect objects that have washed up on the shore.
You can scout the shore for beautiful coral reefs, sea shells, and colorful glass pieces.

You can also spend your time in the shop, shopping for a board at our store, registering for your next lesson, or reflecting back on today’s lesson.
